Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Update from Bob and Jayne Griffin on December Outreach in Bani,DR with 640 Salvations

From Bob and Jayne Griffin who headed up a crusade in Bani, DR under the direction of Veronica Freites:

We spent 3 nights at the Miguil Tejada baseball stadium in Bani, Dominican Republic, as well as, another baseball field in which scores of people received many miracles including a woman with a crippled hand which straightened out and began to bend again. We ministered at several churches throughout the trip, and saw many salvations and healings!! There were about 640 salvations and many many more that did not get reported none of which could ever be possible without Pastor Veronica Fretties. Thank You!! The lives that were touched were incredible and we are diligently working to get those videos up on the web site as soon as we can for you to see the miracles!!!! Salvation is the greatest MIRACLE of all!!!