Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Medical Team Invades DR With God's Love!

Dr. Jorge Parrott's good friend, Dr. Rob Kessinger, with KCUCS Doctors recently took a team to the DR to visit Veronica. Read below to see all the details.

In the Airport in Atlanta, GA, before leaving we had a team meeting. I told the team at that time that much prayer had gone forth to pave the way for a successful mission. The word we had received through prayer for this mission was 'PRESS THROUGH!' We had no idea just how important this idea would be. We did have Tremendous Victory. The Victory was Tremendous because of what we overcame in coming together as a team. "PRESS THROUGH!" was the battle cry that thrust us through to the other side of failure unto SUCCESS.
The KCUCS World Missions Dominican Republic 08 Team returned home in Triumph this past Sunday, June 29, 2008. What a great mission it was. Many, many testimonials have been received. Great things happened within the hearts of the each one on the team. It was a powerful experience. We started out the first couple days trip with our basic comfort needs being challenged. In the end I believe this was the deciding factor on the level of Victory we were able to achieve as a team. If any one on the team would have conceded defeat in the face of discomfort, the team would have folded and not engaged for the true prize. I am very proud to say the team pulled together developing close bonds and overcame the obstacles.

The Dominican's welcomed us with open arms. Our host, Pastor Veronica Freites of Mount of Olives Ministry, did an excellent job on making all things work.

The team checked and adjusted lots of folks throughout the week. We went from one extreme to another, working in the poorest of the poor villages all the way to meeting with the National Chief of Police and the Secretary of State.
As far as Upper Cervical skill levels are concerned, it was amazing how you could see a world of difference from the first of the week to the end as far as level of Upper Cervical corrections. Every single person on the team improved Correction skills. What a great picture of watching doctors transcend to the next level on their path to Mastery through serving in the mission field.

I would like to thank Dr. Patrick Anderson, a KCUCS Leader, whose counsel was invaluable. Also would like to thank Dr. Russell Gana and Will Soriano for being team leaders, helping share the load with Dr. Patrick. We had meetings every evening going over the day and plans for the next day. All three at different times brought forth ideas and helped counsel on important decisions at vital times. They were always there to help with whatever needed to be done. The biggest compliment I can give is to say regardless of the situation they were completely trusted based on passed experience and knowing their integrity, loyalty and honor. The trip would not have worked like it did without you guys.

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to those serving on the team who are not doctors. We would not have been able to accomplish what we did without them. A special thanks to The Rock Church in Cape Girardeau, MO.; Apostle Mark Carbaugh for sending us, his counsel and prayer, Kathy Smith and Kim Rose also from The Rock for coming along. They are not doctors they came simply to serve the Lord's purpose. Thanks to them for saying 'YES'. We are grateful. The trip would not have been the same without the help of The Rock of Cape.

Thank YOU to all the wives who came along and supported the team. Your service is so important to any missions success and this was no exception. I know you know this having been there. We just wanted you to know that we know as well.

A big Thank YOU to Pastor Veronica Freites. We were able to be with her for a whole week. Through the process we found a Powerful Woman of God with such a kind, gentle and loving spirit. She truly is always looking out for the good of others without regard of herself. Pastor Veronica has forsaken all the comforts of living an 'abundant' life in America. She is being obedient to the Call on her life by serving these people in the Dominican Republic. She is a doorway to this country and many positive things will happen through her ministry. Please do visit her blog sight at

Thanks to the DEVOTIONAL team. We had devotionals every morning at 6:30 a.m. We first started with a handful and the group grew to around half the whole team. I know I received a lot from the devotionals. Gauging by the response I think others did as well. However, I think the significance of the devotionals was farther reaching. They were very important in setting the tone, starting each new day on the right course. So thanks to all who participated in any way.

Thank YOU to each member of the team for pulling together and making this truly a fantastic mission. We did suffer inconvenience and discomfort in the area of basic needs the first couple days due to no electricity. It would have been easy for anyone to give up. If even one on the team would have made that decision our effectiveness would have been drastically cut. THANKS TO ALL for PRESSING THROUGH! We did have Victory on the other side of discomfort. Many obstacles were overcome. The mission not only accomplished a great deal for people in the Dominican Republic but in each one of us as well. Thanks to the TEAM!

Thank YOU to each of the members on Pastor Veronica's team. We were blessed with three awesome drivers who not only kept us safe on the roads but helped us navigate through all circumstances in the streets. Eduardo for being a faithful servant to Pastor Veronica. The cook's, who most of them gave up time with their families for an entire week just to serve the team 24/7. The grounds keepers and Villa keepers who kept our living very comfortable. They went as far as to hand wash clothes. They even washed the entire teams KCUCS World Missions Polo's so we could wear them when meeting the Police Chief. These are all true servants of the Lord and we pray many Blessings upon them.
We also thank all the Pastor's who serve under Pastor Veronica including her youth Pastor and the Haitian Pastors. The Youth Pastor came up to me just before service on Thursday evening and told me "You have the message tonight". Pastor Veronica had already asked me to speak, then it dawned on me that he was just confirming that he thought it was the Lord's will for this to be done. It did give me confidence to 'let it all hang out'. Great ministry to their congregation resulted. Also a thanks to Pastor Veronica's helper in Bani. He was a great deal of help to the team seeing patients in our main place, downtown Bani. Thanks to all of you and the ones we neglected to mention. You are ALL a Blessing to US and the people you SERVE in the Dominican!
Also would like to say thanks to each and every intercessor who help us PRESS THROUGH! Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
My apologies if anyone was missed who should have been recognized.

We have different ideas about what we can do to help Dominican Republic people. We may be formulating a team to help build churches, or send a ship container with clothes, etc. Of course, all will be done through Pastor Veronica. We will let the energy from the trip settle down, pray about it, and see where our efforts can best be applied. If you have ideas or are willing to serve a great cause please e-mail me at

We will make one more post after this one with more photo's.

In closing I would like to say At the end of the trip we asked each person on the team to give a one word sum-up about the trip. The following reflects that list:

Strength, Humbling, Proactive, Molding, Evolution, Servitude, Transformation, Compassion, Energy, Acceptance, Intense, Hot, Incredible, Serving, Triumph, Perseverance, Growth, Enlightening, Uplifting, Blessing, Faith, Blessing, Set-Down, Memorable, Unexpected, Endearing, Loyalty, Journey, Worship, Xanadu, Victory

Saturday, June 28, 2008

June 28, 2008

Many things have happened with and through the KCUCS World Missions Dominican Republic 08 Team since the last post, Wednesday, June 26, 2008. We will try to sight some of the highlights.

On Thursday afternoon the team stayed in Bani. Most of the team headed back to the Haitian village where we had been a part of the life changing church service a couple nights before. The visited with the people once again as well as check and adjust those who had not received on our first night.

The other pàrt of the team went with Pastor Veronica to the radio station to do a program. It is a Christian station that reaches multitudes in the Domninican Republic. It is as well travels throughout the world via internet. We did a half hour show and it was an incredible opportunity to share.

The full team met back at our Villa. A group of 10 from the team went to a church service in Pastor Veronica´s church village (about a 30 minute drive on washed out dirt roads). We had brought a guitar with us and Pastor Veronica asked our team to lead Praise and Worship with the whole team upfront singing. Then an incredible thing happened that is hard to explain. One of the doctors from our team was upfront singing with the rest. He went out into the front row and grabbed a couple children and began dancing with them. It was at this moment the anointing fell down on the music and what a powerful experience it was. Even though the sound system was a little challenging the whole congregation was jumping up and down, singing, shouting and dancing to the Lord. The Haitian drummer and others from their Praise and Worship team joined in. A member of the team did a message on getting delivered from bondage by the saving power of Jesus. Just afterwards the alters were opened and miracles began to happen. The team first called out to the congregation for anyone who had deafness or hearing loss. A couple came forward and both reported being completed restored in hearing. It was amazing! I know this may be challenging for some reading this blog but we can only report what we saw. That little boys face said it all. He was in shock. Hearing for the first time in that ear was evident by the startled look he had. Since it is a small village everyone knows the little boy and about his hearing loss. He was shocked because he hadn´t heard out of that ear before and he hadn´t yet processed what to think about it. The other person who had come forward had restored hearing as well. Then the alters flooded. We had reports of eyesight returned, although I don´t know if anyone was completely blind, nonetheless we had many testimonies from people saying they could now see better. A lady who had had a stroke was able to move her arm and leg better. Many things happened. The team was not able to leave for a long time and we didn´t get back to our Villa until quite late. All was OK with us!

Friday the whole team loaded up our three vans and headed for Santo Domingo. We were officially greeted via Police escort to be received by the National Chief of Police. We arrived at the Police Academy and they had a ceremony. Many TV cameras, photos, interviews for national TV, etc. It was much more than we knew was coming. We checked and adjusted all who were in attendance (about 300 police officers and their families). The Chief of Police´s wife and her Christian organization fed us lunch at a very nice restaurant. After all we had been through with the week I saw many plates heaped up to overflowing coming back from the buffet line.

After lunch we met with the Dominican Republic Secretary of State. He along with his family got checked by the doctors. It was another great meeting. All had postive responses to Upper Cervical Care.
The National Police, as a kind gesture, filled up our van gas tanks. They as well assigned us three Special Forces agents to guard us while we went to Christopher Columbus´s grave house and downtown shopping. It was quite funny when myself and another wondered off from the group. We had walked 4 or 5 blocks to somewhere that was a dead in. We turned around and one of the Special Agents was standing about 10 behind us. We about jumped out of our shoes from shock! How did he do that? We had no idea he was even following us. We turned around to him and he acted like he didn´t even know us. Maybe he was just keeping his cover. I think it was more that he was embarrassed because we had wondered in such a wrong direction. It was all fun.

The whole team ate at a great restaurant last night that overlooked the Christopher Columbus house. They had music with traditional dancing, etc. What a great time the whole team had. Then it was back in the vans, back to normal life at the Villa, arriving back about 1 a.m.

Everyone is chilling out today. 21 of us are in Bani this afternoon either shopping our adjusting more people. We will go to another Villa this evening and have a banquet with the team. Tomorrow we get up early and head to Santo Domingo and then onto Atlanta.

There really is much more to share but we are constrained by time. We wanted to give at least a taste. More pictures will be posted once we return unless an opportunity arises beforehand.

Thanks to all the families who willingly allowed and encouraged those close to you to come. It has been a transforming trip in many ways. We started out in a forgotten area in Dominican Republic without electricity, heat and less food than accustomed to the first day or two all the way to meeting the National Chief of Police and the Dominican Republic Secretary of State.

The full impact of what we have accomplished here will not be known for some time. I can see the changed faces within our group. It appears as though we have taken some important ground.
Thanks to all for praying for the mission and our safety. Also thanks to all who have been following along the blog and making the awesome comments. We will make one or two more posts once we return. We are going to hook up something where all the photo´s can be shared if any are interested. Hopefully, we can get around a 1000 photo´s up. It takes about 5 minutes here to upload one. That is why they are a little more sparse. BTW, one of the pictures above is the team meeting at the Police Academy. Another one is meeting the Chief of Police.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The KCUCS World Missions team is rolling full steam ahead. Yesterday we had a great day. Before lunch we went to downtown Bani. When we arrived there were a few hundred people waiting for us. We were non-stop from the time we arrived until we stopped at about 1 pm. The team had seen perhaps 1500 to 2000 people. That was the third day. What a break through day!
On Wednesday afternoon the full team went to Pastor Veronica´s church village. It has a population of about 3000 people. The team walked the village personally getting acquainted. We went from door to door and on the streets meeting and greeting. It was quite the experience. To see things like a 8 year old boy who had suffered birth trauma and now with cerebral palsey. He was adjusted and we are curious to see the report this evening.
We love having the opportunity of serving with Upper Cervical Care but it can not be overlooked how powerful it is to just be here with these people letting them know that somebody cares enough to leave their own comforts for a week, giving their time and resources to be able to share a few moments with them. These moments for them are worth much, but they are worth more to us. Can not be expressed in words how this shapes the hearts of each member of the team. These experiences do last a life time.

Our living situation has dramatically improved with electricity for two nights in a row. We have to admit the first two nights were a bit challenging. You could see truly great character coming out of the team as they overcame this adversity. A true mark of winners. After seeing the conditions the people here in the Dominican Republic are living in on a daily basis makes it a little difficult to complain much about anything.

We arrived Bani this morning (Thursday, June 26 ,2008) to several hundred people waiting for the doctors. Each day our numbers have doubled. Nearly a couple thousand people have already been seen this morning. We are so appreciative to have received so many expressing heart felf appreciation as well as the number of testimonies and good reports.

The whole building process of the KCUCS Dominican Republic 08 Mission Team has been incredible. Through prayer prior to the this trip a word we felt was stirring strongly within many of us was that ¨Pressing Through¨ was going to be key to success. As we had our first meeting with the group in the Atlanta Airport we discussed the importance of ¨Pressing Through¨. It all sounded great hearing this message while we were in the comforts of U.S. soil. Little did we know at the time how true this word would turn out to be.
We started off the first couple days with definite things in common. For the most part we are involved in the KCUCS Program. We are all Upper Cervical Doctors and Upper Cervical Advocates. This is a great start. The ¨Pressing Through¨ part began with getting delayed on our way back to the Villa and then to find no electricity. We were challenged with bad sleeping conditions the first two nights because of no electricity. The heat really was pretty difficult and tight quarters we are sharing are among just a few of the discomforts. These could have been distractions that stopped any progress toward the team truly becoming a team. No team comes together when there is even a little complaining in the midst (I have to admit I found myself complaining about 3 a.m. the first evening while I was laying in a sweat soaked bed). As the days have passed hearts are being shaped through each new experience the team. It is each one of these experiences that have helped us come to a deeper place of humility, appreciation and thankfulness. It is this atmosphere the fosters a true Spirit of Unity. The team has melded together in a powerful way and I believe we have come to the place that our results from our efforts will now be exponential. We expect to witness great things over the next couple days. The team is well trimmed and fit for service. A great by product is that bonds are being formed that will last a lifetime.

We want to thank the intercession teams who have been supporting us thoroughly. Without this prayer as a foundation I don´t see how this team could have come together.

Feel free to post comments on the Mission. We will try to make one more post, however tomorrow the team is traveling to the capital, Santo Domingo, to meet with the Chief of Police and about 300 officers. They are going to honor the team, feed us lunch and we will spend most of the day there. I am sure they will have an internet cafe it just depends on our time.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The KCUCS World Missions team has really broken through in many areas. We have to admit the first couple of days were pretty rough getting adjusted. Now we are beginning to see the fruit of our labors. Testimonies are coming in from every direction. The complete atmosphere has changed.

Last night, after seeing patients all day in the downtown of Bani, we went to one of Pastor Veronica´s church´s. It is in a Haitian village. The poverty in this place was even more severe than what we had been seeing. We walked into their church service, which was in someone´s small front yard, and the presence of the Lord was so strong many on our team was affected in a good way. They had asked our team to say a word to the congregation. It was very difficult because just looking at these precious people and seeing their faithfulness we felt we had nothing to add. It was an awesome service. The team went through the village checking and adjusting all the people there. Many people on the team has told me this was their favorite part of the trip so far. We will go back into the villages this evening and tomorrow as well.
We are just finishing up before lunch. There are many more pictures to post. We are trying to get a picture of everyone on the trip up, but it is challenging with very slow internet service (plus the internet is about a 45 minute travel away). The team is asking me to hurry as I finish this. Every one is doing great and I am seeing many on the team just having a blast and growing in many ways.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

All is well!

We are just now finishing up our 2nd day. This evening the team will be attending church service at Pastor Veronica´s church. We are receiving many testimonies, making new friends and generally having a great time serving these wonderful people in the Dominican Republic. Thank you for your continued support in prayer. We since a great work being done through the KCUCS World Missions.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The KCUCS World Missions team arrived safely on Sunday afternoon, June 22, 2008. We spent the day organizing and traveling to a village close to Bani. This was about a 2 1-2 to 3 hour drive through some pretty rough terrain. Our first order of business was to eat a great meal served by our host and her church. Then we were part of a service their church held on Sunday evening on an outside basketball court. People came out of the woodwork. Following Praise and Worship music (very interesting by the way), some of the team prayed prior to the message. Then Dr. Kessinger first explained to the congregation about the doctors and Upper Cervical care then did a message. Immediately following it seemed that almost every person in this village was checked and adjusted. What a great evening it was.

The poverty in this region is perhaps more than we expected. The people are very warm, friendly and hospitible. We feel very safe. In any case we have a police escort just for precaution.

We had no electricity in our villa last night because there was a power outage throughout the village. Therefore it was a little challenge trying to sleep with no fans and a pretty warm evening. The team has done great today regardless.

We have just finished up our first full day of work in downtown Bani as well as a couple other nearby villages. Many people have already been seen and we are encouraged by the good reports we are already receiving. The testimonies have begun to begin.

We are thankful to be able to share this week with these wonderful people in and around Bani as well as Pastor Veronica´s church and village. Our prayer is that we will have a long lasting positive impact. I can already see the team being impacted in a good way. It is hard to see this level of poverty and not be affected.

Our ability to get to the internet is a little challenging so we will do our best to update daily. Blessings to ALL!